Gotta start somewhere

Oh, boy, another bourbon blog…..yeah, I know, the world is full of them. Here’s the thing, though, I have seem some great blogs out there (spoiler alert: I will review some) but I haven’t seen many, if any, that focus on those of us that are new to the bourbon scene. I mean, I went to Louisville in July and my bourbon collection jumped from 8 bottles to over 40 in 5 months. I read tasting notes and reviews of various products, but I have no shot at BTAC products (another spoiler, we will learn the cute little bourbon acronyms as well), and my palate isn’t sophisticated enough (yet) to differentiate between cherry notes, dark cherry notes,and bing cherry notes. I can taste cherries. Before I went to Louisville, I had never had an Old Fashioned. Now, I try all kinds of bitters and am learning other bourbon based cocktails (spoiler alert….oh, you get it by now).

So I figured as I learn, why not share with my fellow bourbon newbies. Hopefully, we will learn something together, grow in our love of bourbon and have some fun. Hope to get feedback from you all as to what you would like to see or learn about.

And away we go…..