Ancient Ancient Age 10 Star

One of the things that new bourbon fans assume is that the high price = high quality and low price = low quality. While in some cases, that may be true, I have found it is far from always that way. The 4th in my reviews of budget bourbons is one, that like the Evan Williams Bottled in Bond, that has a name that may make you quiver a bit.

Ancient Age is one of those brands that a lot of people partner with “beer and a shot of whiskey”. In other words, rotgut whiskey. A brand that has been around for over 60 years, Ancient Age is a classic name in bourbon. With a price typically under $20, AA 10 Star is a bottle that is often overlooked at the liquor store. Let’s see if it should be.

Very light color in the glass, but nicely developing legs kind of contradict each other with this 6 year old product. The nose brings caramel apples, some cinnamon, and some baking spice.

First sip provides a nice coating over my entire mouth and a slight burn. Some great oak comes through along with some light spice. I am also getting some sweet corn notes. Very straight forward palate.

The finish reminds you the Buffalo Trace Mash bill #2 is the heart of this product. Mash bill #2 is widely assumed to have anywhere from a 12-15% rye content. The rye shows itself in the finish with a nice little kick of spice that comes after the traditional corn sweetness you get with this mash bill. Very short finish, especially given that it is 90 proof.

Overall, of the bourbon pours reviewed to this point. AA 10 Star ranks at the bottom. That being said, bottom does not imply bad, especially given the stiff competition it gets in the $15 – $22 price range. It gets 5 points in the That’s Cool category just because the history of the brand.

Ancient Ancient Age 10 Star








That's Cool!!



  • Nice nose
  • Great value


  • No complexity at all
  • Short Finish