Rebel Distiller’s Collection

Lux Row has released a line of single barrel bourbons under the Distiller’s Collection label. This barrel of Rebel, picked by Hoppy Endings uses the Lux Row wheated mash bill which is 68% corn, 20% wheat and 12% malted barley. This barrel, 7220847, comes in at 113 proof and was barreled on 11//2/15, making it just over 4 years old when it was barreled. This bottle has been open for several months now, so any opening up that may happen should have already happened.

A bright copper liquid greets me in the glen. After a couple of swirls, some slow forming, but quick running legs, begin to form.

Some typical bourbon notes come in on the nose. The traditional caramel and vanilla is backed up by some grain notes that show the youth of the distillate. Ethanol vapors throw a slight monkey wrench into digging into the nose, but once I get past them, some light citrus notes come reveal themselves. Very straight forward nose. Not bad, not great, but solid.

A fairly thin mouthfeel opens up to some smoked oak notes and a nice amount of baking spice with emphasis on cloves. Corn sweetness counters the spice nicely, but it is only for a fleeing moment as the spice is the predominant flavor here, which given the mash bill, is very surprising. I am a fan of wheated bourbons, but if this were poured blind, I would never assume it is a wheater. The proof is what is carrying anything on the palate

Ah ha! There’s the sweetness I was looking for, on the the finish. The spice of palate lingers, and that corn and wheat sweetness that teased me on the palate comes in full force, especially on the back end of the palate. Short-to-medium finish presents some nice depth that was missing entirely on the palate. The spice stays on my tongue, and then some big oak notes come in to wrap things up.

This one is tough. The finish is solid, but that may be because the nose and palate were so underwhelming. On the initial pour, I had concerns and had hoped it would open up. It hasn’t. I think the one saving grace it has is the 113 proof as that is what is carrying anything. This may be one of those occurrences where this particular barrel is simply not the best representative. I will not be getting another barrel to find out.

Rebel Distiller's Collection








That's cool!



  • Layered finish
  • 113 proof brings nice spice


  • Very flat palate
  • Youth is extremely prevalent